2024 Schedule and agenda

08:00 AM - 09:00 AM

Registration & networking

09:00 AM - 09:10 AM

Welcome from MC

Nathan Fradley
Nathan Fradley
Specialist Adviser,
Nathan Fradley Advice
09:10 AM - 09:40 AM

The new QAR order – what does it mean for the future of financial advice?

The government's ultimate reply to the Quality of Advice Review took us by surprise. With a modest reduction in red tape and a proposal for the establishment of a two-tiered advice industry, allowing banks to reenter the scene, the QAR has produced an unforeseen result.

While there's still a long way to go, in this session we discuss how QAR will reshape the industry and why it's not all bad news for advisers.

Sarah Abood
Sarah Abood
Philip Anderson
Philip Anderson
General Manager,
09:40 AM - 10:10 AM

Navigating the future: What do successful businesses look like in 2024?

Australia's financial advice industry faces a significant challenge in meeting the demands of millions of Australians seeking professional financial advice.

This session explores the concept of transformative business solutions to overcome challenges and unlock growth opportunities.

In this session, you'll hear about:

  • Trends shaping the industry.
  • The impact of technology on service delivery.
  • Changing client expectations and demands.
  • Benefits and challenges of combining multiple firms.
  • Exploring synergies in diverse services.
  • Opportunities in self-licensing.

Hear directly from Eugene

Steve Prendeville
Steve Prendeville
Founder and Director,
Forte Asset Solutions
Eugene Ardino
Eugene Ardino
Chief Executive Officer,
Lifespan Financial Planning
10:10 AM - 10:35 AM

Reignite and reimagining risk advice

Australia's underinsurance issue is no secret, and advisers play a pivotal role in addressing this concern. However, insurers acknowledge the time constraints advisers face.

Following the government's response to the QAR in December 2023, notable changes were introduced, pointing toward a future where risk advice is incentivised through fees, signalling a shift away from traditional commissions.

Dive into this session to understand the crucial role insurers play in boosting efficiencies, enticing advisers back into the risk industry. Discover the significant investments in digital advancements to streamline financial advisory tasks, while acknowledging the persistent complexity in products.

Explore why we need to simplify current product roles to foster industry growth.

Hear directly from Marc

Marc Fabris
Marc Fabris
Digital Consultant and Founder,
Risk Hub
Michael Pillemer
Michael Pillemer
Chief Executive,
PPS Mutal
10:35 AM - 10:50 AM

If Data is the New Oil, It's Time to Move to Texas!

Matt Esler, Co-Founder of Padua, explores the transformative power of data in your financial advice business.

  1. Data-driven platform and investment management decisions;
  2. Using data to make strategic recommendations for clients
  3. Providing optimal cost-benefit outcomes for your advice firm; and
  4. Maximising value-creation for your clients.

Through real-world examples, Matt demonstrates how data can redefine financial advice business operations, strategic planning, and client relationships. This presentation is a compelling call to action for advice firms to harness data analytics for competitive advantage, positioning them at the forefront of the financial services revolution.

Matt Esler
Matt Esler
Co-Founder & Co-CEO,
Padua Solutions
10:50 AM - 11:10 AM

Morning tea and networking

11:10 AM - 11:40 AM

Navigating intergenerational wealth transfer with strategic client relationship building

Explore the nuanced landscape of intergenerational wealth transfers by delving into effective strategies for building stronger client relationships with both Millennials and Gen Z clients. This session will provide insights on striking a balance between these two generations and their Gen X parents, particularly their changing needs in relation to technology and how they prefer to get their information.

In this session we will:

  • Explore the unique financial perspectives and values of Gen X, Gen Z and Millennials.
  • Provide insights on wealth preservation, retirement planning, and legacy considerations.
  • Develop strategies to engage and advise the next generation on wealth accumulation and financial literacy.
  • Develop personalised approaches that bridge the generational gap and foster family continuity.
  • Explore how advisers can leverage technology to enhance communication and engagement across generations.

Interactive discussions and case studies will encourage participants to share experiences and insights on navigating intergenerational dynamics in client relationships.

Tim Rogers
Tim Rogers
Head of Distribution,
DASH Technology Group
Emma Sakellaris
Emma Sakellaris
Chief Executive Officer,
Foresters Financial
James O'Reilly
James O'Reilly
Northeast Wealth
11:40 AM - 12:25 PM

The evolving landscape of advice delivery

The industry finally knows where the government wants to go with SOAs, and while it doesn't support the complete abolishment of all forms of documentation, it has proposed a more streamlined document.

In this session we discuss the new-look SOA, its four key principles, and how technology can be leveraged to alleviate demands on advisers.

Themes covered include:

  • Understanding the proposed changes.
  • Key features of the new SOA.
  • Enhancements for efficiency and clarity.
  • Role of technology in implementing the new SOA.
  • The potential of video documentation.

This session will be hands on and interactive, showing you how you can leverage technology to ease usually burdensome processes. Collaboration and knowledge sharing will also be key components of this session.

Corey Wastle
Corey Wastle
Verse Wealth
Nathan Fradley
Nathan Fradley
Specialist Adviser,
Nathan Fradley Advice
12:25 PM - 12:35 PM

Client Portals – transforming your service delivery

In this session Astute Wheel will review research conducted in the USA that shows how the the adaptation of client portals has benefited both advisers and clients.

Asute Wheel will also explore the components of a client portal that can transform your business and the relationships you have with your clients.

Hans Egger
Hans Egger
Managing Director,
Astute Wheel
12:35 PM - 01:15 PM

Lunch and networking

01:15 PM - 01:45 PM

Investing in a new regime

Explore the paradigm shift in investment strategies amid global economic and geopolitical challenges. In this session we'll dissect the opportunities and challenges presented by the new investment regime, with a special focus on the dynamic landscape of alternative investments.

In this session we will:

  • Assess the implications of economic trends, regulatory changes, and global events on traditional investment approaches.
  • Analyse the current financial landscape and the factors driving the shift towards alternative investments.
  • Define and explore various forms of alternative investments, including private equity, hedge funds, and more.
  • Discuss approaches for incorporating alternative investments into client portfolios based on risk tolerance, objectives, and market conditions.
  • Develop effective communication strategies for educating clients about alternative investments.
Amie Baker
Amie Baker
CEO, Financial Planner AFP,
Rekab Advice
Simon Warner
Simon Warner
Head of Portfolio Management,
Aware Super
01:45 PM - 02:10 PM

The Value of The Mutual Model - A Sustainable Risk Advice Proposition

PPS Mutual is the only Life Insurance provider in Australia who currently offer life insurance products with a profit share and who distribute the profit to its Members. Its life risk insurance products are designed specifically to meet the protection needs of its professionals Members (doctors, lawyers, accountants etc.) and are only offered through IFAs. The business is based on the 80-year-old South African mutual, called PPS. As a mutual, PPS Mutual Members share in the ownership of the company and the profits of the insurance that they buy.

CEO Michael Pillemer will highlight to advisers the advantage and success offered by the mutual model, both in Australia and globally, with PPS Mutual’s growth and unique position within the risk insurance space in Australia as a proof point.

Michael Pillemer
Michael Pillemer
Chief Executive,
PPS Mutal
02:10 PM - 02:40 PM

Process Automation and AI - can advice firms leverage these yet?

Sue Viskovic from Elixir will present an interactive session discussing the progress of AI and process automation in advice firms.

Explore what's possible, what's already working for others, and experience the power firsthand as you turn the bright ideas you've gathered throughout the day to key actions you'll take to implement your innovative ideas from the summit.

Sue Viskovic
Sue Viskovic
Elixir Consulting
02:40 PM - 03:00 PM

How to unleash the power of AI to revolutionise your business

Most advisers we know ventured into financial advising because they’re passionate about making a real difference in people's lives, not being stuck behind a computer, drowning in admin.

Luckily for all of us, financial adviser scale specialist Adele Martin knows how to save you and your business hours of time each week by powering your file note process with AI, and she’ll be sharing a range of AI tools and best practice.

In this interactive training, Adele will cover:

  • the latest AI file note tools and how to apply them across phone, online, or in-person meetings;
  • how top advisers are leveraging AI file note tools for paraplanner handovers, sending meeting recaps to clients, and more;
  • navigating legal considerations; and more.
Adele Martin
Adele Martin
Money Mentor
03:00 PM - 03:20 PM

Harness big business agile thinking for small business success

Cable Rickard, manager of one of Australia’s largest wrap platforms, will discuss key strategies that make big business sustainable and how these concepts can be adopted for small business success. You’ll gain understanding of the principles and philosophies that you can apply to help improve your business efficiency, responsiveness and client interactions.

Cable will share insights on:

  • Systems thinking - how a UX and CX approach can translate into your business
  • Business architecture - how a well thought out tech stack can provide time to give flex and respond to your changing needs
Cable Rickard
Cable Rickard
General Manager Wrap Solutions and Product Integration,
Insignia Financial
03:20 PM - 03:25 PM

MC Close

Nathan Fradley
Nathan Fradley
Specialist Adviser,
Nathan Fradley Advice
03:25 PM - 04:00 PM

Networking drinks

04:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Event close

*This agenda is subject to change